Comments on: How to Make a Sourdough Starter Quick & Easy Recipes for the Entire Family Mon, 30 Sep 2024 18:32:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melissa Wed, 14 Aug 2024 20:05:44 +0000 In reply to Abbey.

No no, it’s not that fussy. I just don’t like the flavor of mixing it in. You can just discard and feed like normal on your later schedule and you may find you like the tartness mixing in the hooch brings!

By: Abbey Sun, 11 Aug 2024 02:41:02 +0000 I didn’t read this till a few days in! One day I had liquid on top (like you described) but I just mixed it back in when I fed it instead of dumping it out. Do I need to discard it all and start over? Thanks!

By: Melissa Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:49:05 +0000 In reply to Lisa W.

No it’s just waste, you can compost it. It’s not discard yet because it’s not a starter yet, does that make sense? It just gummy flour for a little bit and it’s not great to use. That’s why I make such a small amount because you are only discarding a few tablespoons.

By: Lisa W Sun, 23 Jun 2024 13:11:02 +0000 With regard to using discard for other recipes, do I collect all discard along the way in one jar to use in other recipes? And is discard stored in the fridge? Beginner questions I know, but I really want to master this. Your recipe is the easiest I’ve seen so far. Thanks for sharing your knowledge :)]]> I am about to make my very first starter 😬
With regard to using discard for other recipes, do I collect all discard along the way in one jar to use in other recipes?
And is discard stored in the fridge?
Beginner questions I know, but I really want to master this. Your recipe is the easiest I’ve seen so far.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge 🙂

By: Melissa Mon, 03 Jun 2024 03:39:50 +0000 In reply to Mary.

Yes, the starter will fall after it’s eaten up the flour energy, it’ll normally rise it it’s height within 12-18 hours and fall once risen in about that same time. You can use whole grains yes, the ratio you wrote it just right!

By: Mary Thu, 30 May 2024 15:00:55 +0000 I am on day 13 of my starter and it has finally started to rise and double in size and develop a lot of bubbles. I have two questions about the starter. 1. Does the starter fall some after it has rose after the feedings? 2. In your video you said you like to feed your starter whole grains. Would whole wheat flour be good to add to starter and do you add 50gm of whole wheat flour and 50gm water when adding whole wheat flour?
Thank you!

By: Leslee Sun, 14 Apr 2024 15:23:10 +0000 5 stars
I have made several starters over the years, this is the easiest guide to follow I have used.

The tips and extra notes are invaluable! I have never had my starter ready so quickly. I printed this guide and put it in my go-to binder of recipes, and only the best of the best gets the binder privilege.

Thank you for taking the time to assemble a comprehensive and easy to understand guide. I am a forever fan.

By: Melissa Tue, 26 Mar 2024 23:17:17 +0000 In reply to Bettina.

If you don’t discard enough you aren’t feeding what’s left enough, does that make sense? By discarding you are making the starter stronger. And you don’t need to put it in another jar because when it’s active you can just feed it a bunch and have a lot of starter. So there’s no real point in managing two when you can just increase the volume of your starter when you need to. So when you are making your 20 loaves of bread, the day before just feed your starter like 500 grams of flour and water and in 24 hours you’ll have an extra 1000 grams of starter to use (or do the math on how much you use, but you don’t need to do that right now because you are getting it going!)

By: Bettina Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:11:27 +0000 5 stars
I am having great success (so far) with the starter. I am only on day 3, but am already getting bubbles. I make a lot of sourdough bread each week for the Farmer’s Market, but this is my first air starter. Can I take the first discard and use it to start a second jar of starter or can I discard less than you recommend on the days when you discard all but a small amount of starter? I know that sounds silly, but during the summer months I make about 20 loaves of various sourdough breads a week so I need a larger amount is starter.

By: Melissa Thu, 22 Feb 2024 23:45:58 +0000 In reply to Liz.

Yes, exactly.
