Good, Better, and Best Smoothie Recipes: 3 variations for delicious smoothies, from healthy to healthiest. Start where you are comfortable and move up to the healthiest smoothie ever!
3cupstotal of ripe fruita 50/50 ratio of fresh to frozen fruit is great
2cupscold liquidmilk, almond milk, cold water
1/2 to 1cupplain yogurt OR 1/4 cup raw nutscashews and almonds are my favorites
For A Better Smoothie
3cupstotal of ripe fruita 50/50 ratio of fresh to frozen fruit is great
2cupscold liquidmilk, almond milk, cold water
1/2 to 1cupyogurt OR 1/4 cup raw nuts
2cupsleafy greensbaby spinach is a great green to start with if you are new to adding greens
1serving of a Superfood
For A Best Smoothie
2-3cupsleafy greensspinach and kale are my favorites
1or 1/2 frozen ripe banana
1/3cupfrozen blueberries
2cupscold almond milk
2tablespoonsraw almonds or cashews
2-5servings of Superfoods
Optional - 1/2 a peeled avocado OR 1 teaspoon coconut oil
Choose a smoothie and then place everything in the blender for that particular smoothie and blend until smooth. If the smoothie is thicker than you like or not blending well add a splash of liquid and blend again until the desired consistency.
The goal with this smoothie is to have a lot of sweet fruit, some of which is frozen because that really improves the texture of the smoothie, some protein, and a liquid base. Try out different combos until you find what you like. The combinations are literally endless!
To determine a serving of Superfood, read the label on their packaging. (You only need to add 1 teaspoon of spirula compared to a tablespoons of chia). Reference the post for more information on Superfood recommendations.I don't add things like carrots, beets, or other veggies to my smoothies. I've tried it and it's pretty gross and the texture is all off. Save those kinds of veggies for juicing (a whole different thing) and stick with the leafy greens when it comes to smoothies.